Friday 23 June 2023

Are you who you want to be? I'm guessing probably not.

For this question to be truthfully answered, it has to be followed up with another question, first.

Are you living authentically? 

Well, first, let us define ‘authentic’ —>  “not false or copied; genuine; real”

At first thought, most of us will probably say ‘Yes, of course, I’m living authentically.” 

Be honest with yourself.

Do you struggle with low self-esteem, fear of judgement, or hold a heavy desire to be liked by others? 

All of these feelings are rooted in us not accepting some part of ourselves, leading us to crave and seek validation from others.

When we are in this space, we will often deny the parts of ourselves that desire expression due to fear of rejection.

We live our lives behind a facade.

We can not live as who we truly want to be if we are not living in accordance with our authentic selves. 

I want to share with you two powerful habits I recommend you adopt if you want to live authentically into who you truly want to be.

How do I know If  I am Living authentically?

“You can tell when you’re saying something that’s not authentic by feeling out whether or not it makes you strong.” - Jordan Peterson

Two important aspects of being authentic are mentioned in this quote.

What we ‘say’ and how we ‘feel.

Why is what we say important —> The power of words has been highly downplayed in our modern times.

The words we use hold energy through the intentions we place with them. 

Our word is our power to create and express our creativity.  

It is through the word that we manifest everything. 

Regardless of what language we speak, our intent manifests through the energy our words carry.

Our subconscious does not know the difference between truth and joke.

It takes whatever we say as truth.

What we dream, what we feel, and who we are, will all be manifested through the words we use.

The Words we use will shape our reality.

Why is what we feel important —> That feeling we get in our gut is more than just that, a ‘gut feeling.’

That’s our intuition.

Sometimes, it can be masked by our ego.

Want to know a simple trick on how to tell them apart?

Our Intuition pulls us towards something in alignment with us. 

Our ego pushes us to run away.

We must relearn how to trust our intuition.

That feeling is when we instinctively know when something we are doing is right, wrong or not in alignment.

If you want to find out more about how to live authentically with higher emotional intelligence, reach out to me here to have a free no obligation conversation to establish a sense of direction. My gift to you!

How do I live authentically?

Glad you asked! There are two habits I recommend adopting to begin living an authentic life.

The first habit I recommend adopting is keeping these powerful self-reflection questions in your back pocket for whenever those unsettled twists hit your gut;
—> “Is this who I want to be? ” & 
—> “How do I WANT to show up right now?

Sounds pretty straightforward, right?

These questions give us space to marinate in our thoughts.

Taking inventory if our words and feelings are all in alignment with our actions. 

The second habit I recommend adopting is some form of Inner child work.

Inner child work, or inner child healing, is a way to address our needs that weren't met as a child. 

We all have a younger part of ourselves that we feel wasn’t quite loved the right way or the way we feel we 'should' have been loved. 

Even if we had the best parents in the world.

By dedicating this time to go within, we begin peeling back the layers of our everyday coping habits; like being avoidant or seeking modalities to numb our feelings. 

Fully accepting and integrating our subconscious into consciousness is the best way to process, heal and move forward.

“An authentic life is one where our needs are met, we feel fulfilled, we experience self-actualization, and we flourish.”
-Positive Psychology

Without inner child work, we would forever have unmet needs remaining unfulfilled in certain areas of our younger selves.

These unmet needs trickle into our present moment and impact how we show up in the world.

If you need a new inner child work habit, click here to set up a call to discuss how it works, and how it can change your life!

- Dillon "Wolverine" Andres

Are you who you want to be? I'm guessing probably not.

For this question to be truthfully answered, it has to be followed up with another question, first. Are you living authentically?  Well, fir...